The Model Train Show is organized and operated by the Piedmont Division, NMRA. The Piedmont Division serves the Atlanta, Georgia area within the Southeastern Region of the National Model Railroad Association. The National Model Railroad Association is the largest organization devoted to the development, promotion, and enjoyment of the hobby of model railroading.
The Division’s Train Show Committee has the primary responsibility for coordinating all aspects of the show.
Approximately 65 volunteers from the Piedmont Division are used to staff the many positions needed for a successful show. These include Ticket Sales and collection, Vendor Check-in and setup, Vendor load-in/load-out assistance, Whilte Elephant Sales, Membership Booth and Historian/Photographer. Other members work on development of The Raffle Layout and the Kids Operating Layout.
To volunteer, sign up at regular Piedmont Division meetings or contact Scott Dunlap the Volunteer Coordinator.
Please take a look at this video for more information about Cartersville