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The Piedmont Division Model Train Show is March 8-9, 2025

Mark your Calendars

Fun for the entire family

Early Bird

The Piedmont Division is featuring Early Bird Shopping this year. This is how it works. You purchase an Early Bird Admission ticket for $25 and you shop EARLY from 9am to 10am then stay to the close of the day. If you are looking for that special item, you may want an early peek at the vendors before the general public.

If you are attending on Saturday, get your hand stamped when leaving, and you can also participate on Sunday for no additional charge!


The General Admission show tickets are $10, 10am-5pm

Kids 9 and under are FREE

Your Ticket will be your PayPal Receipt

Regular Admission
Ticket Purchaser Name

The Early Bird Admission show tickets are $25, 9am-5pm.

Your Ticket will be your PayPal Receipt

Early Bird Admission
Ticket Purchaser Name

Official Show Hotel

Start Date: Tuesday March 5th, 2024
End Date: Tuesday, March 12th, 2024

Last Day to Book, subject to availability: Friday, February 07, 2025

Hotel(s) offering your special group rate:
Courtyard Marriott Cartersville for 159 USD per night – Book Now

Operation Lifesaver

Operation Lifesaver will be in Stilesboro with the layouts.

When you see tracks, always think train! Stay off, stay away and stay safe.

Stop by the table and find out how you can safe your life and the lives of others!


There will be pamphlets on the table with color books, 6″ school rulers/bookmarks and plastic Operation Lifesaver pins.

Click on the photo below for more information

White Elephant Tables

You don’t want to miss this part of the Piedmont Division Model Train Show!!!

It is a room that has unique model train items and memorabilia for sale. From scratch built to manufactured items. There will be new and old items. Some items you have never seen before. So if you are looking for something special for your Model Train Layout, come and visit the White Elephant room at the Piedmont Division Model Train Show !

These items are at really good prices too!

Follow the signs at the show to the White Elephant Room!